SNAP-R New Features


The purpose of this SNAP-R version is to the new features of SNAP-R to the Exporter.

Password Reset

The first added feature is the implementation of a self-service password/CIN/UserID recovery system. This new feature requires the users select and answer four (4) out of ten (10) pre-defined security questions. Once completed, every SNAP-R user will have the ability to retrieve their userID, company CIN, and create a new password online.

Logging In

To log into the SNAP-R system, start a web browser, and type in the following address into the location box:

You will be presented with the new Login form:

Screen shot on the Login Form

Logging into SNAP-R

You still enter the Login ID and password chosen during the new user activation process along with your CIN. Click Login to log into SNAP. Click Clear to clear the contents of the form.

If you cannot remember your Login ID, Password, or CIN, click on the link "Forgot Password/Login ID/CIN(Application ID)?" to create a new password or retrieve your IDs

User Security Questions and Answers

To enable this new feature of SNAP-R to give a user who has forgotten their Login ID (Applicant ID), Password, or CIN the ability to Self-Help the recovery of the forgotten item, multiple questions and answers are used.

All users who have not created their secure Security Questions and Answers, will be redirected to the User Security Questions and Answers page.

This page lets you create the four questions and answers currently securely stored. You may select four questions from the drop-down selection box as long as the questions are not duplicated. You may also enter any answer to each question as long as they are unique also. After any changes, select Submit or Cancel to submit your new security questions and answers, or cancel the screen.

Screen shot for viewing, editing users Security Questions.

Security Questions create/edit

After successfully submitting your security questions and answers, you can retrieve a forgotten password, login ID, or CIN by clicking the Forgot Password/Login ID/CIN(Application ID)? at the bottom of the Login to SNAP-R page and follow the instructions.

Forgotten Credentials Page

If you have forgotten your password but remember your login ID and your CIN, you can access the security questions, set up while registering for your SNAP-R account (or as part of the 2017 SNAP-R upgrades), to reset it by clicking on the Forgot Login ID/Password/CIN (Applicant ID)? button in the Login to SNAP-R page.

Screen shot for forgotten IDs, Password.

On the Forgot Password/Login ID/CIN(Application ID)? page, click on the Create NEW Password link. On the next screen, enter your e-mail address and Login ID and click Submit. This page also contains links for finding your Login ID and CIN. The next page to open will be the security questions page.

Screen shot for Log-in to Answer Security Questions.

Using two credentials to log in to the Security Questions page

Once you answer all four security questions correctly and Submit is clicked, your Login ID or CIN is displayed on the next page. If you had selected Forgot your Password, you will be taken to a Create a new password page. After credentials are retrieved or a new password has been created, login to SNAP-R to access the SNAP-R system.

If one or more of the security questions is answered incorrectly, a message to this affect will appear at the top of the screen; if you cannot answer the security questions correctly in three attempts, a message providing BIS's contact information and suggesting you contact us for assistance will appear. However, your account will not be locked and you may continue to try to answer the security questions.

Common security practices recommend you change your password at regular intervals. On the left menu of the SNAP-R home page, you can manage your password by selecting the menu item User Security Questions.

Screen shot for viewing, editing users Security Questions.

Security Questions create/edit

If you have forgotten your password and do not remember your login ID and CIN, see your local SNAP-R Account Administrator first. If your local administrator is not available, send an email to .

Reference Number Format

The second update is the Reference Number format in the "Create Work Item" pages. All new Reference Numbers are alphanumeric, as displayed here.

screen shot on the Creating a New Work Item form

Creating a New Work Item

Line Item Values Calculation

The third update is on the Export Items sub-form of the Work Item form. The user can manually enter the "Total Price" of a new Export Item or select the "Calculate button to have it calculated"

Export Items sub-form

Export Items sub-form


For additional information not covered in this manual, If you need assistance, please contact your local administrator first. If they are not available or cannot answer your question, contact the SNAP-R Help Desk by email to



Version 2018.10.01 October 01, 2018